Picture from Pixabay. Banff, Alberta.
Hello World!
My school is out for the summer on June 28, 2018, at 11:45 am. That’s FOURTEEN days including weekends! (from June 14, 2018) I am SO ready for a break, and I during the summer I plan to chill and relax. I am also participating in a theatre play in August. Also, track and field provincials are in Kelowna this year, giving that the wildfires on the mainland aren’t as bad this year. (Kelowna is in the center of lower British Columbia) My sister made it to the B.C. Summer Games for hammer throw and shot put. The Summer Games are for the midget age group, 14 and 15 year olds, and it’s basically a big competition with the best of the best in your age group. It’s really hard to make the team, so I’m pretty proud of her for making it.
I might even travel to Banff Alberta! Banff is nestled in the rocky mountains, and from pictures I’ve seen, it’s absolutely beautiful. But we might not go to Banff because of my sister’s BC Games, so it’s a maybe. I hope we do though.
What are some of your summer plans? I’d love to hear them!
This is an appropriate time to say goodbye to this blog. I am graduating from grade seven this year, and I am heading into high school, so I will be a lot busier. I might write once and awhile, and I will try to, but posts won’t be popping up as much as they used to. Thank you all for reading my blog and commenting, I appreciate it a lot. I hope to write sooner than later.
Have a fabulous, epic, wonderfully enjoyable summer!
Happy blogging!