Tag Archives: me

My Non-Bucket List

Hello World!

Life is short. You’ve probably heard that a million times. It’s getting kind of cheesy, and it’s a bit of a cliche. But it’s 100 percent true, besides the fact that humans can live for 100 years, which is quite a long time. So life may not be too short. But for 100 percent of my life, I want to do what I want to do, and have fun doing it. Some things in life make you cringe, laugh, cry, scream, yell, smile, and in life you have to make some pretty devastating choices. But having things like books, movies, family, friends, can help you get through tough times. Lets face it: Humans are not 100 percent flawless. We all have challenges, triumphs, embarrassments. We can’t change that. In 100 years, humans have developed new technology, new concepts, new discoveries, and new failures. New goals. So instead of sharing my goals, I’m going to share my non-goals, if that’s a thing. What do I never hope to do before I die? Okay, Here we go…

  1. I hope I never have to witness anything violent. Right now, our world has been having mass shootings, and I see reports on the news about murders and stabbings, assaults. It’s unbelievable that some kids witness violence in their own house! That can effect their learning and their brain. People get traumatized, and too scared to even leave their bed during the day in fear of something bad happening. Our world is better than this, and I hope neither me, or anyone else has to witness anything violent. I know this a big non-goal, and it’s probably not possible, because these things happen every day, but I want at least for it to not happen as often, or for witnesses of these things to know that they are not alone, and it will get better.
  2. I hope I never have to wait in a lineup for an hour or more. I mean, waiting is fine. But not for an hour. What would I even be waiting for? Driving in a car, waiting to get to your destination is a whole different story. But waiting in a line? No, no, nope. First of all, you have to stand. Second, the people around you are usually very loud, so you can’t read while waiting, and if you go on your phone it makes you look bad(In my opinion, I don’t really know why). You are stuck when you’re in a long lineup. So I hope I never have to wait in an hour long lineup. Oh, and waiting in the ferry line? THE worst. I could go on and on about ferry line ups, but I’m assuming you’re just nodding your head and saying ‘yeah yeah, get on with it.’ So lets continue to the next non-goal…
  3. I hope I never drink spoiled milk. First thing you should know about me before I continue my lecture, is that I only drink almond milk. My sister is lactose intolerant, so we don’t have any cows milk in the house. I’m fine, I can drink cows milk, but personally I think it tastes weird. Because I’m so used to almond milk. BUT, almond milk can go bad. So I hope I never drink bad/spoiled milk. Would it taste weird? Gross? I don’t want to find out…
  4. I hope I never get lost in the woods. When I’m by myself. If I got lost with someone else, I’d be fine, but being alone is just freaky. Meaning I would start freaking out. I remember in grade 5 a guy came in and taught us how to build a lean-to shelter in the woods. Would I have to make one of those? Just wondering what would happen and if I’d stay in the forest overnight gives me the heebie jeebies.
  5. I hope I never get stuck in elevator. I can’t see what’s going on outside of the elevator, I don’t know if people are trying to help me, and I don’t know how long I’ll be stuck in there. Plus elevators are boring. Unless I’m in a glass elevator. I could look out and secretly spy on people. Or I could be scared to death because the glass box I’m sitting in could explode any minute. Well, if the glass elevator is overlooking the city then I could smash the walls and climb out, but that puts me at risk of dying. I think I’d just wait.

Thank you so much for reading this post! Do you have any non-goals? What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator, or lost in the woods?

Happy blogging!


Where I Live

Hello World!

Canada is a very diverse country! We have mountains, rivers, forests, fields, arctic, the list could go on forever! I am very grateful to live in Canada, but I truly wouldn’t want to live in any other town in this country than the incredible Comox Valley.

The Comox Valley is located on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. My city has three main ‘towns’. The Village of Cumberland, The City of Courtenay, and the Town of Comox. There’s also smaller cities that branch off of Cumberland and Courtenay, like Fanny Bay, Union Bay, Royston, Black Creek and Merville. All of these places make up the Comox Valley! We’re about the fifth largest city on the island.

If you and your family were ever to come visit the Comox Valley (nudge, nudge, wink, wink), here are a few of my favourite places you should check out:

The track! If you’ve read some of my other posts, you’d know that I love track and field. My family has been involved in track for a very long time, so I’ve been hanging out there since I was about two or three! Our track is not exactly in the best shape. The equipment shed is super small and has a leak in the roof(once there was even a person sleeping outside on top of the shed), and the long jump board is splintered and has a pit of water underneath it, so when you jump on it water squirts out. Our bleachers are really old, and once someone tried to burn them down. Our hammer cage it rusty and bent awkwardly(hopefully from my amazing throwing that went wrong and flew into the fence). But I think all those things make the Comox Valley track, our track.

The beach at Seal Bay, from the Seal Bay Nature Park site.

Seal Bay Park is an amazing place to go for a walk. Some of the trails are open to horseback riding and biking, too. The forest spreads out to different places, so you can find trails all over the valley that are with Seal Bay Park. One of the trails leads down to a really stunning beach! Most of the trails are loops, and you can take hikes for different lengths. My Mom and I love to go running and walking there. Once we even saw an owl perching in a tree!

Miracle Beach, from the Miracle Beach site.

Camping at Miracle Beach is one of my favourite things to do in the summer. We usually go with our cousins, so it’s even more fun. Camping is always really exciting because you get to leave your house, sleep outside in a tent, roast marshmallows, and play games! Miracle Beach is especially fantastic since there’s a beautiful beach just a short walk away, where you could play in the water and sand all day. Each of the campgrounds has a fire pit and a picnic table, and there’s also a really great playground near the toilets (okay, the location isn’t ‘really great’). There’s also a small nature house, which is basically a museum for nature! I have so many wonderful memories from there, like when a squirrel took one of our Doritos and faked its own death, when we created the ultimate s’mores combo, or when my cousin and I freaked out and swam away as fast as we could from a red jellyfish. Miracle Beach is basically all fun in my mind, and I’d definitely be there all summer if I could!

Thanks for reading this post! The Comox Valley has tons more places that I love, but I had to go with these three. Do you have places similar to my list in your town? What are some of your favourite places to be?

Happy blogging!


About Me

Hi everyone!

My name is Gabi, I’m 12 years old, and I live in the Comox Valley in British Columbia, Canada.
I’m in a grade 6 and 7 split class, but I’m in grade 7.

I love animals, sports, theatre, reading, writing, and chilling with my friends.
I’m part of the local track and field club, and I love to throw, sprint, jump, basically everything you can do in Track and Field! I recently went to a provincial championship track meet and got first place in Hammer throw!

I have a pen pal named Catharine at a senior care home in my town. We write letters to each other and talk about what we’re doing in our lives, and exciting things that are happening.

I’m part of the cross country team at my school, as well as the volleyball team. Both are really fun, and I’m glad I’m taking part in them. I also do dance for two hours a week, and I take jazz and ballet. I’ve been dancing since I was three years old!

My parents aren’t married anymore, so I go back and forth between two different houses. I have two cats at my Dad’s house, Dave and Enka, two bunnies at my Mom’s house, Picket and Midnight, and one cat at my Mom’s, Charlee.
This is my first time ever blogging, and I’m super excited to share my experiences with you!

Happy blogging!